We offer our clients solutions with modern, high-precision equipment. In order to identify potential issues in the field of air quality, including odour pollution, and noise management we use world-class equipment for measurements and continuous monitoring. All of the equipment that we use can also be rented or purchased.

Smart Noise Monitor
We offer our clients in the Baltic region noise monitoring devices DUO and CUBE manufactured by the French company 01 dB METRAVIB Acoem Group. Such equipment is used by municipalities as well as companies in various sectors of production and construction throughout Europe.
ELLE offers equipment rental or long-term environmental noise monitoring services at client's site.
Description of the equipmentGRIMM
Since September 2008, ELLE offers environmental dust monitoring equipment produced by the German company Grimm Aerosol Technik GmbH in all three Baltic States. GRIMM instruments are designed for long-term outdoor monitoring operations to continuously measure the concentration of particles PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 , simultaneously collecting meteorological data. The measurement method – counting particles by light beam scattering – complies with the requirements of the regulatory enactments of Latvia and the European Union.
If necessary, ELLE also offers training and support for the users of this equipment, as well as warranty service and post-warranty maintenance for the equipment. Equipment rental or long-term PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 monitoring services by ELLE at client's site are possible.
ELLE also supplies indoor dust monitoring equipment manufactured by Grimm Aerosol Technik GmbH, as well as nanoparticle measuring equipment.
Catalogue of all ambient dust monitoring instruments and equipment

GRIMM Environmental Dust Monitor (model #11D)
Handheld environmental dust monitoring tool - GRIMM Environmental Dust Monitor (model # 11D). The device consists of a portable instrument intended for continuous measurements of PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 concentrations.
Description of the equipment
GRIMM Environmental Dust Monitor (model #164)
Mobile environmental dust monitoring device - GRIMM Environmental Dust Monitor (model # 164). The unit consists of a fully automatic instrument for continuous measurement of PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 concentrations and an outdoor container with built-in heater, air flow dryer, as well as temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and wind direction sensors.
Description of the equipment
GRIMM Rack-mounted Environmental Dust Monitor (model #180)
Stationary environmental dust monitoring tool - GRIMM Rack-mounted Environmental Dust Monitor (model # 180). It is a fully automatic instrument for continuous measurements of PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 concentrations, suitable for placement in a standard air quality monitoring equipment container and for integration into regional or national monitoring networks.
Description of the equipment
GRIMM Environmental Outdoor Wide-range Aerosol Spectrometer (WRAS – model #665)
Atmospheric research system which has a capability to provide measurements of the concentration and particle count by determining the size distribution of aerosols ranging from 5 nm to 30 μm in over 70 different size channels. This equipment is suitable for long-term outdoor operations.
Description of the equipmentElectronic noses
ELLE offers its clients in the Baltic region to purchase odour and volatile organic compound monitoring devices WT1 and WT2, manufactured by the French company Ellona. This equipment is designed for long-term operation in both outdoor and indoor conditions and provides continuous measurements of odour and concentrations of chemical compounds in the environment, while simultaneously collecting meteorological data.
Depending on client's needs and field of activity, the devices can be equipped with:
• electrochemical detectors (hydrogen sulphide, ammonium and mercaptans)
• various types of metal oxide detectors (covers a wide range of substances)
• photoionization or volatile organic compound detector.
Calibration of monitoring stations is performed by applying the odour measurement method specified in LVS EN 13725: 2004 “Air quality - Determination of odour concentration by dynamic olfactometry”. During calibration, the measurements of the monitoring station are equated to the evaluation of the panel of experts obtained in the laboratory and with the help of a mathematical model the results of the instrumental measurements are converted into an odour concentration that correlates with human sense of smell.